
Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order as long as it has not been shipped yet.
Can I change my order?
It is possible to change your order as long as it has not been shipped yet.
Do I pay shipping costs?
Within Europe, you do not pay any shipping costs on orders above €150.
Can I order from a country outside the EU?
Yes, Baby Max ships orders to a few counties outside the EU.
Will items in my shopping cart be reserved for me?
Items in your shopping cart are not reserved.
I have had a disappointing pregnancy. Can I return my order(s)?
Baby Max offers a purchase guarantee.
Do I need an account to order?
You do not need an account to place an order with us.
Can I also receive my order at a later date?
You can leave a note in the 'comments' field specifying when you want to receive your order.
To which countries does Baby Max ship?
Baby Max ships to the following countries:

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