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Customer service

How can we help you?


Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order as long as it has not been shipped yet.
Can I change my order?
It is possible to change your order as long as it has not been shipped yet.
Do I pay shipping costs?
Within Europe, you do not pay any shipping costs on orders above €150.
Can I order from a country outside the EU?
Yes, Baby Max ships orders to a few counties outside the EU.
Will items in my shopping cart be reserved for me?
Items in your shopping cart are not reserved.
I have had a disappointing pregnancy. Can I return my order(s)?
Baby Max offers a purchase guarantee.
Do I need an account to order?
You do not need an account to place an order with us.
Can I also receive my order at a later date?
You can leave a note in the 'comments' field specifying when you want to receive your order.
To which countries does Baby Max ship?
Baby Max ships to the following countries:

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Which payment methods does Baby Max accept?
Here at Baby Max, we like to make it as easy as possible for you to complete the payment of an order.
Can I order from abroad?
Baby Max delivers almost all over the world.
How many coupon codes can I use?
It is possible to use one coupon code per order.
Can I claim back VAT if I live outside the EU?
Costs for countries outside the EU differ from country to country. When you choose the country where you want to ship your order to the Dutch VAT (21%) will be removed. You will recieve a invoice with import duties and taxes from the delivery company...
Are the prices listed on the website inclusive or exclusive of VAT?
Our prices on the website always include VAT.
My credit card is not accepted, what can I do now?
Please contact your credit card company to find out what went wrong.
What is the Iban or Bank account number of Baby Max?
The bank account numbers from Baby Max are NL88 DEUT 7351 1129 59 and NL53 RABO 0156 2641 61

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Shipping & delivery

How long will my order take to deliver?
The current delivery times are listed on the product page, in your shopping cart and on the order confirmation.
Which delivery options can I choose from?
You can choose from the following delivery options: Delivery to home adress, Pick-up point, or In-store pick up.
Can I have my order delivered to another address?
You can choose a different delivery address when placing your order.
Can I track my order?
You will receive an email with the track and trace of your package(s).
My package has been delivered but I haven't received anything?
Have you already checked the track and trace code of your order?
An item is missing from my order. Will I still receive this?
Sometimes it happens that one of your packages might still be on its way.
What are the shipping costs to Norway?
By ordering from Norway, the Dutch VAT of 21% will be removed in the checkout. The order will be shipped with DAP (Delivered At Place) Cleared, that means that the shipping and handling costs will be payed by Baby Max. The receiver pays...
What are the shipping costs to the UK?
By ordering from the UK, the Dutch VAT of 21% will be removed in the checkout. The order will be shipped with DAP (Delivered At Place)) Cleared, that means that the shipping and handling costs will be payed by Baby Max. The receiver pays the import ...
What are the shipping costs to Switzerland?
By ordering from Switzerland, the Dutch VAT of 21% will be removed in the checkout. The order will be shipped with DAP (Delivered At Place)) Cleared, that means that the shipping and handling costs will be payed by Baby Max. The receiver pays the import...
What are the shipping costs to Iceland?
By ordering from Iceland, the Dutch VAT of 21% will be removed in the checkout. The order will be shipped with DAP (Delivered At Place) Cleared, that means that the shipping and handling costs will be payed by Baby Max. The receiver pays the import duties...

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How can I return my order?
When you want to return your order, then please get in touch with our customer service.
How much time do I have to return my order?
You can return your order within 100 days after you have received it.
Which conditions must my return meet?
The items must be returned unused and in their original packaging.
Can I return discounted items?
Yes definitely, a discounted product is subject to the same terms and conditions for returns as our other products.
I have returned my order. When will I be refunded my purchase sum?
If you have already paid for the order, then you will receive a refund within 7 working days to the same account that you used to pay for it.
Are there return costs?
The returns within the EU are for free above the amount of 150,-. Below the amount of 150,- the return costs are 15,- For returns outside the EU, the return costs are for your own.
This are the costs for a return outside the EU: - Uk : 22,- euro...

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How long does the warranty last on my order?
You can find the warranty period on the product page of the article.
My purchase is damaged or defective. How can I submit a warranty claim?
Please contact our service department as outlined in the steps below.
Does it cost me money to submit a warranty claim from abroad?
As long as the product is still under warranty, a repair service or replacement covered by the warranty will be provided to you free of charge.
What is the status of my request for service?
Please feel free to contact us at
Can I also drop by the shop to submit a warranty claim?
Please contact our customer service to schedule an appointment for this.

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